Meditation for World Peace


Welcome to Community Peace Circle 

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To join together as many people as possible in Meditations for Peace.
Held in Melbourne at the stunning Fitzroy Gardens every Sunday at 11am 12-30pm.
You do not have to be physically present to tune in and enjoy this experience as we resolve to change our thinking to bring about World Peace.

Science is currently acknowledging and studying 'thoughts'.
 We know that thoughts are energy.
We know that the human body measures at about 4BTU power. This is the energy of your soul, your aura..
We know that when someone passes on, their body weight instantly drops by about an ounce. 
Your aura is the glow from the light source within you.
It reflects your thinking. 

The brighter your light, the more aware of who you really are and who you have closer you are to the 'Christ Consciousness' or the PEACE and LOVE  WITHIN.
Your daily circumstances, situations, problems, successes, joys, highs, lows are all created by the thoughts YOU were having yesterday!
They are the living entities borne of our own doing and creating our experiences on a daily basis. Therefore YOU are the Creator!

Learning to change long help beliefs about yourself, others, the world, life etc is possible. Sometimes it takes change a while to come. But with meditation the wheels start to turn straight away.
Meditation teaches us to still the noise in our heads, cease the chatter and to reach 'the Silence'  that yogis speak helps to de-clutter our minds and helps us to find our own answers. They are all there inside of you. You brought your answers 
with you as surely as you created your own circumstances. 

Meditation is the tool to reach that infinite wisdom and information. 
And the joy of it, is that it is available to absolutely every single person on this planet!

So if we can learn to discipline what goes on in our heads, we can begin to change. We can eliminate all negative thinking with practice.
 If we begin to change, the energy in our environment begins to change  and so it spreads like the ripple in the pond..
Can you imagine what it would feel like and how we could change the world if we all came from the same loving space?

At these Gatherings, we all experience both guided and free-flowing 
meditations for  Inner Peace and World  peace. 
Through sharings, mediation and fun energy techniques 

we can access our own Inner Peace and in doing so help to light up the world around us.

To be at the Gatherings from afar, just find yourself a comfortable place to relax. You may like to go to the beach or the mountains and just take in the beauty that surrounds you.
 Breathe it in, hold it, feel it, live it, be at one with it, give thanks for INNER PEACE and WORLD PEACE, breathe out slowly. 
The longer you do this technique the more benefits you will
feel and the stronger and more powerful your focus and concentration will become..
The more you take yourself to Inner Peace your loved ones, your community and your world will benefit.

Be a part of this wondrous shift of consciousness happening now on Planet Earth and in your own heart and mind feel the freedom that comes with INNER PEACE!

It doesn't matter if you think you can't happens naturally only 'think' you can't do do it every time you think...

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Free Meditation for World Peace